All posts by theunmanlychef

Rule 89: Don’t be an e-mail tough guy.

Kids, this is a new phenomenon. But in the last 10 to 15 years, e-mail has become the way people communicate in the workplace. As a result, people LOVE to be e-mail tough guys. What’s that? Think of an internet troll, put a suit and tie on that person, sprinkle in some professionalism, and presto-chango you have a e-mail tough guy.

Do not be this person. They love to say mean or otherwise snarky things in e-mail that they would never dare say to your face or in a phone call. You will be respected by your peers by not being this person. Never hide behind a keyboard to defend yourself, and do not hesitate to put a e-mail tough guy in their place in the work place. Unless of course, they’re your boss.

Rule 87. No Bumper Stickers

They’re aggravating. At best you might make someone chuckle. At worst, someone might punch you in the head because you upset them somehow. So just don’t put them on your car, because not everyone needs to know your stance on cats, politics, religion, or anything else while driving at 60 MPH.

Rule 85. Travel


The only way to learn about other people truly is to travel. Or be raised by immigrant parents, because that’s like basically living in another country anyways. So travel kids.

Rule 84. Don’t let your phone/technology run your life.


You will not be one of those kids/people who is constantly glued to their phone. Before phones people would talk to one another, now we just send each other messages like robots.

I’m not saying don’t get a smart phone, but use it within reason and don’t let it run your life kids. You will be a more developed human being if you don’t rely on your phone.


Rule 83. Wear socks with shoes. (Sandals excluded obviously)

Because your shoes will stink. In some places it’s become all the rage to wear shoes without socks, but unless the shoes are really made for that like (top siders, canvas shoes, or other summer style shoes) you’re going to have a stinky shoe after you’re done.

If you’re a girl, you can probably ask your mom how to solve this problem since girls seem to be wearing shoes without any sort of lining all the time, other than stockings.

Rule 82. Don’t Hate Anyone


That doesn’t mean you have to like everyone either, it just means don’t waste your time hating someone. If they’re annoying, ignore them. If they’re rude to you, put them in their place. But don’t spend your time and energy hating anybody. Life is too short and too valuable to be wasted on hating somebody.


Rule 81. It’s better to be late to a party than early.


Because when you come early, not only is the host not ready for you. There are no snacks available for you and you have now all of a sudden inconvenienced the host because they have to serve you, because you decided to be a jackass and come earlier than announced. Be a little late, nobody cares and it makes it easier for you to slip out if its lame. Plus if you’re early, you’ll have to help most likely, which also sucks.